A Vision for the Future
The vision of UCENet is of a worldwide network to support collaboration, innovation and enforcement outcomes.
Our mission is to maximise collaboration and information sharing across the network to enhance unilateral, bilateral and multilateral compliance and enforcement approaches and actions. To achieve this, UCENet has three main priorities, each supported by a dedicated working group of members.
- Intelligence and cooperation.
- Communications and engagement.
- Training and development.
Priority 1: Intelligence and cooperation
Cooperate to collect, analyse, exchange and disseminate intelligence and information to member countries, including exploration of innovative approaches and avenues to enable cooperation.
The working group is responsible for identifying areas of interest to members, coordinating joint intelligence gathering and exchange exercises, and examining innovative approaches to share and present information. The group will also consider opportunities for coordinated sharing with other international enforcement networks and organisations, as appropriate.
Priority 2: Communications and engagement
Promote UCENet, its activities and successes, the advantages of membership, and facilitate an understanding of respective jurisdictions and remits with the aim of strengthening cooperation and coordination. The working group is responsible for developing a communications strategy that encourages information flow between members, externally promotes membership and UCENet activities, engages new and inactive members, and overcomes language and other barriers to participation.
Priority 3: Training and development
Provide or promote meaningful training for member organisations and identify and utilise member expertise, including best practice investigation and enforcement approaches and techniques. The working group is responsible for identifying training opportunities and working with members and industry partners to promote and/or develop and deliver innovative training sessions, including at the annual conference.
These priorities and their working groups will also serve to provide focus and enhance accountability, improve transparency by enabling reporting on the UCENet’s activities, and set clear performance goals.